If you’re running a server on WSL2 (Ubuntu) and struggling to access it from your local network…Step 1: Find Your WSL2 IP AddressFeb 15Feb 15
Relocating SDK and Gradle Directories For Better Usage of Android StudioNavigating the realm of Android development presents a myriad of challenges, not the least of which is the looming issue of storage. Three…Sep 22, 2023Sep 22, 2023
Configuring SSH Key AuthenticationSSH key authentication is a secure method of logging into a Linux system without having to enter a password. Instead, the user…Mar 6, 2023Mar 6, 2023
Php Storm Thank you!Yesterday I created a project in htdocs folder and I coded about a hundred lines in index.php file, then I left the office Without pushing…Nov 8, 2020Nov 8, 2020